Charlie, a downtrodden London man with unenthusiastic wedding plans, learns his dad had died, so he goes to Florida for the funeral. After that, he learns that he has a brother, and to get his attention, he should talk to a spider. Charlie, at first ignores this advice, then gets drunk sometime later, and summons his brother by whispering to a spider. His brother, when he shows up, soon turns out to be a nuisance, so Charly tries to get rid of him. To do so, he has to go on a quest. While he's doing that, his brother impersonates him. AND while that's going on, Charlies boss decides to blame his embezzlemt of company funds on him. When Charly gets back from his vacation, he gets arrested, and his brother gets chased around by birds. Charlies fiancee and her mom go to the Carribean, where Charlies boss resided in after embezzling company funds. Charlies sibling breaks him out of jail, and they go try to rescue his fiancee. The boss dies and Charly and his brother live happily ever after